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The App

Empty is a fasting tracker made by Raffi Chilingaryan and Rafael Soh, launching on Tuesday March 12th.



Empty is simultaneously minimal and rich with features. The app includes:


Why make a fasting tracker?

I (Raffi) decided to pick up intermittent fasting again at the start of 2024 and wanted a simple tool to keep myself accountable. When I went to the App Store I was somewhat let down.

The big fasting apps all had extra features that I didn’t want like water tracking, weight tracking, and meal planning. It felt like they had gotten bloated over time in order to justify their premium subscriptions, and I really only wanted a nice timer tailored to the cadence of my fasting practice.

There were also many free indie apps that worked well, but they felt just a bit too bare.

The more I thought about it, the more a fasting tracker felt like a great product to go deep on…

From a technical perspective, a fasting tracker doesn’t need to do much more than start, stop, and cancel/reset a timer. At the same time, fasting has so much meaning and value to people who practice it, so every moment of the experience matters. The presentation of data (history and streaks) also matters a ton here since most people have strong intent to change their habits when they download this sort of app. Our hope is that a cleaner UI can lead to stronger feedback loops and greater accountability.